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About DigiTransformatio Private Limited

Digitransformatio Private Limited registered in Nagpur.


Our expertise includes digital and data transformation services in the areas of machine learning, data analytics inclusive of data handling and interpretation, programming applications for static and mobile devices, data and device security.


We are working in the field of audio-visual technical content development, consultancy work, technical training, technical literature, etc.


Digitransformatio has a pool of more than 200 experts. Most of our experts are having OEMs experience. About five of our experts are qualified as PhD in engineering


Business verticals:


  • Digital and data transformation services: in the areas of machine learning i.e., interpretation of signals and transformation of signals to data, digital services and information, Data Analytics inclusive of data handling and interpretation, Programming Applications for static and mobile devices, Data and device security, Development of Applications including Mobile Apps, Software security and Testing Services, Data Processing and Analysis.


  • Technical contents and consultancy: We provide consultancy services in Automotive, construction, mining equipment, industry engineering, manufacturing, etc.


Most of content development work and training are regularly conducted in ten major regional languages of India.


We have worked for dealership profitability enhancement, multibrand bike content development and training. Employee and dealership development consultancy.


We are specialize in multibrand automobile workshops content development and training.


We have done workshop certification for car and bike workshops.


We have conducted Service Managers and Customer Relationship Managers development residential program for leading car manufacturer in India.


We have successfully completed the Technical Content Development project, wherein we have developed technical videos for Bike, Car, Truck and Tractors.


We have successfully done the technical skill contest for Bike and Car Mechanics, wherein we have developed technical contents, skill contests contents, conducted technical training sessions, and prepare the super mechanics to compete in Asian contests.


We are regularly working for most of our esteemed clients more than 10 years.

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© 2018 Digitransformatio Pvt Ltd.

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